Duke on the Web
Sheet music (Partitions)

All too soon
Asphalt jungle (theme)
Baby, please stop ! And think about me
Black butterfly
Boy meets horn
Come Sunday
Cotton tail
Do nothin' till you hear from me
Don't get around much anymore
Don't you know I care
Dooji wooji
Drop me off in Harlem
Duke's place (C jam blues)
Everything but you
Gal from Joe's (The)
Harmony in Harlem
I didn't know about you
I got it bad (And that ain't good)
I let a song go out of my heart
I'm beginning to see the light
I'm just a lucky so and so
In a mellotone
In a sentimental mood
It don't mean a thing
It's kind of lonesome out tonight
Just a-sittin' and a-rockin'
Just squeeze me
La de doody do
Lost in meditaton
Love you madly
Mood indigo
No smoking
On the wrong side of the railroad track From BEGGAR'S HOLIDAY
Prelude to a kiss
Satin doll
Sophisticated lady
Swampy river
Take the A train
Take love easy From BEGGAR'S HOLIDAY
Tomorrow mountain From BEGGAR'S HOLIDAY
When I walk with you From BEGGAR'S HOLIDAY

Other tunes - Duke on cover or mentioned