Duke on the Web Concerts - Radios
The Treasury shows |
This serie was first publied on the swedish label FONTASTIC NOSTALGIA
under the name of TREASURY SERIES and had 43 volumes LP.
This new serie has 25 double CD with all the ancient serie and more material.
Cette série parut initialement dans la collection TREASURY SERIES du label suédois FONTASTIC NOSTALGIA et comptait 43 volumes.
Cette nouvelle série qui reprend l'intégralité de l'ancienne et se complète de nombreux castings absents de la précédente, se
compose de 25 doubles CD.
(CD double CD D.E.T.S. / 903 9001) Denmark
May 1st, 1943 to April 14, 1945
CD 1 : Take the A train / Blutopia / Midriff
/ Creole love call / Suddenly it jumped / Frustration / I'm beginning
to see the light / The perfume suite : Love (Balcony serenade) - Violence
(Strange feeling) - Dancers in love (A stomp for beginners) - Sophistication
(Coloratura) / Air conditioned jungle / I ain't got nothin' but the blues
/ Subtle slough / Passion flower / Take the A train / Hayfoot, strawfoot
/ Don't get around much anymore / A slip of the lip / Take the A tain.
CD 2 : Moon mist / New world a-comin' / Nobody
knows the trouble I've seen / Mood indigo / Chant for FDR / Poor pilgrim
of sorrow / Creole love call / Moon mist / Any bonds today ? / Take the
A train / Don't get around much anymore / Caravan / Bond promo / It can't
be wrong / Johnny come lately / Any bonds today ? / Any bonds today ?
/ Take the A train / Wait for me Mary / Moon mist / Bond promo / A slip
of the lip / Things ain't what they used to be / Any bonds todays ?
(CD double CD D.E.T.S. / 903 9002) Denmark
June 1943 to October 7, 1945
CD 1 : Take the A train / Mood to be wooed
/ If you are but a dream / I'm beginning to see the light / Black, Brow
and Beige (excerpt) : West indian dance - The blues - Emancipation celebration
- Sugar hill penthouse / Sentimental lady / Stomp look and listen / Frantic
fantasy / It don't mean a thing / Sentimental lady / Any bonds today /
Take the A train / Tonight I shall sleep / Go away blues / Bond promo
/ Creole love call / Three cent stomp / Any bonds today.
CD 2 : Take the A train / Midriff / Carnegie
blues / Someone / My little brown book / Kissing bug / Ring dem bells
/ I'm beginning to see the light / Black, Brown and Beige (excerpt) :
Work song - Come Sunday / Candy / Teardrops in the rain / Accentuate the
positive / Way low / Take the A train / Take the A train / Love letters
/ Main stem / Fishing for the moon / Riff'n drill / Kissing bug.
(CD double CD D.E.T.S. / 903 9003) Denmark
May 5 to November, 1945
CD 1 : Take the A train / Blutopia / Bond
promo / Clementine / My heart sings / Sentimental journey / I got it bad
(and that ain't good) / Three cent stomp / Black and tan fantasy / Blue
skies / Broadcast return / Three concertos : Passion flower - Air conditioned
jungle - Frantic fantasy / I'm beginning to see the light / Main stem
/ Everything but you / Carnegie blues / Jump for joy - Things ain't what
they used to be / Jumpin' punkins / A door will open / West indian dance
/ I ain't got nothin' but the blues / Jack the bear.
CD 2 : Take the A train / Carnegie blues
/ Riff staccato / Bond promo / All at once / Yesterdays / I miss you kiss
/ Accentuate the positive / Bond promo / Blue cellophane / Take the A
train / Take the A train / Prelude to a kiss / Caravan / Sophisticated
lady / I ain't got nothin' but the blues / Bond promo - I'm beginning
to see the light / In a mellotone / Harlem air shaft / I don't mine /
Bond promo / The jeep is jumpin' / Take the A train / Just a-settin' and
a-rockin' / Clementine / The wonder of you / I'll buy that dream / Come
to baby, do.
(CD double CD D.E.T.S. / 903 9004) Denmark
May 19 to October 12, 1945
CD 1 : Take the A train / Teardrops in the
rain / Everything but you / Ellington bond promo / Perdido / If you are
but a dream / Pitter panther patter / Emancipation celebration / Ellington
bond promo / I should care / Take the A train / Take the A train / In
a sentimental mood / It don't mean a thing / Solitude / I'm beginning
to see the light / Subtle slough / C jam blues / Don't you know I care
/ Ellington bond promo / Stomp look and listen / Thing's ain't what they
used to be / In the shade of the old apple tree / 9:20 special / Tell
ya' what I'm gonna do / West indian dance.
CD 2 : A door will open / In a mellotone
/ Everything but you / Solid old man / Things ain't what they used to
be / Take the A train / Ellington bond promo / Sugarhill penthouse / Suddenly
it jumped / Ellington bond promo / Candy / A friend of yours / Kissing
bug / Hollywood hangover / Laura / Ellington bond promo / Take the A train
/ In the shade of the apple tree / Frankie and Johnny / I'm beginning
to see the light / Midriff / I ain't got nothin' but the blues / My honey's
lovin' arms / Ellington bond promo / Rockin' in rhythm.
(CD double CD D.E.T.S. / 903 9005) Denmark
June 2 to October 7, 1945
CD 1 : Take the A train / Mood to be wooed
/ Jack the bear / Ellington bond promo / The more I see you / Way low
/ Blues on the double / Ellington bond promo / Summertime / Take the A
train (2 parts) / Excerpts from Black, Brown and Beige : Come sunday -
Lights / I'm beginning to see the light / Ellington bond promo / On the
Alamo / Carnegie blues / Ellington bond promo / Riff stacatto / Blue skies
/ Things ain't what they used to be ( b ) Take the A train / As long as
I live / Nine-twenty special / The wonder of you / Walkin' with my honey
/ Three cent stomp.
CD 2 : Don't take your love from me / Court
session / Emancipation celebration / Let the zoomers drool / Take the
A train / Blue is the night / Ellington bond promo / Can't you read between
the line ? / Hop skip and jump / Kissing bug / Solid old man / I ain't
got nothing but the blues / Ellington bond promo / Thing's ain't what
they used to be (2 parties) / Blues clusters : Diminuendo in blue - Rocks
in my bed - Crescendo in blue / I'm beginning to see the light / Teardrops
in the rain / My little brown bbok / Ac-cen-tu-ate the positive / Ellington
bond promo / C jam blues / Take the A train.
(CD double CD D.E.T.S. / 903 9006) Denmark
June 16 to October 28, 1945
CD 1 : Take the A train (opening theme) /
Indiana (back home again in) / Blue Serge / Ellington bond promo / The
wish I wish tonight / Jumpin' punkins / On the sunny side of the street
/ Ellington bound promo / Cotton tail / Take the A train / New world a-comin'
/ I'm beginning to see the light - Ellington bond promo / Johnny come
lately / Yesterdays / Let the zoomes drool / Ellington band promo / Boy
meets horn / Things ain't what they used to be (theme) / In a mellotone
/ The wonder of you / Riff'n drill / The last time I saw you.
CD 2 : How deep is the ocean ? / Riff staccato
/ Every hour on the hour / Harlem air shaft / Take the A train (opening
theme) / Jump for joy / All at once / Ko-ko / I should care / Go away
blues / Tootin' through the roof / Every hour on the hour / I'm beginning
to see the light - Ellington bond promo / Take the A train / Blue belles
of Harlem / Body and soul - Ellington bond promo / The more I see you
/ Fanfare by band / What am I here for ? / Warm valley / Ellington bond
promo / Stompy Jones / Take the A train (theme).
(CD double CD D.E.T.S. / 903 9007) Denmark
July 30 to October 11, 1945
CD 1 : Take the A train (opening theme) /
Caravan / Fickle fling / Ellington bond promo / Honeysuckle rose / Day
dream / One o'clock jam / There's no you / Take the A train (theme) / Return and introduction
to Billy Strayhorn medley / Medley : Chelsea bridge - Something to live
for - Clementine - My little brown book / Riff staccato / Carnegie blues
/ I'm beginning to see the light / Old King Dooji / Things ain't what
they used to be (theme) / ( b ) Take the A train (theme) / Clementine
/ I'll buy that dream / Come to baby, do ! / Harlem airshaft / Everything
but you.
CD 2 : Take the A train (opening theme) /
Blue belles of Harlem / I'm beginning to see the light / Ellington bond
promo / Can't you read between the lines ? / Medley : Diminuendo in blue
- Carnegie blues - Crescendo in blue / Ellington bond promo / Mood to
be wooed / Take the A train (return) / The Perfume suite : Balcony serenade
- Strange feeling - Dancers in love - Coloratura / Ellington bond promo
/ Hollywood hangover / I don't mind / Ring dem bells / Things ain't what
they used to be (into broadcast close) / Take the A train (theme) / Fancy
dan / Walkin' with my honey / Go away blues / Homesick, that's all / Id
do it all over again.
(CD double CD D.E.T.S. / 903 9008) Denmark
July 4 to September 21, 1945
CD 1 : (Opening theme) Take the A train / In the shade of the apple tree / Kissing bug / Ellington bond promo / Bugle breaks / A friend of yours /
West indian dance / Ellington bond promo / Tonight I shall sleep / Stomp, look and listen / I'm beginning to see the light / (Theme) Take the A train / (Medley) The Magazine
suite : Downbeat shuffle - Esquire swank - Metronome all out / Ellington bond promo / If you are in the dream / Blutopia / Candy / Ellington bond promo / Main stem /
Take the A train / Midriff / A door will open / My little brown book / Stomp, look and listen.
CD 2 : Waiting for the train to come in / Diminuendo in blue / Rocks in my bed / Crescendo in blue / Everything but you / (Opening theme)
Take the A train / In a mellotone / The wish I wish tonight / Ellington bond promo / C jam blues / Ultra violet / There's no you / Emancipation celebration /
Don't get around much anymore / Let the zoomers drool / (Theme) Take the A train / Reminiscing in tempo / Everything but you / Ko-ko / Mood to be wooed / Tea for two /
Blues on the double / Things ain't what they used to be.
(CD double CD D.E.T.S. / 903 9009) Denmark
August 4 to November 28, 1945
CD 1 : Take the A train (opening theme) /
Teardrops in the rain / Frustration / Ellington bond promo / Everything
but you / 9:20 special / Moon mist / Rockin' in rhythm / Ellington bond
promo / Every hour in the hour / Take the A train (theme) / Medley : In
a sentimental mood - Black beauty - Sophisticated lady - Caravan - Solitude
- I let a song go out of my heart / Ellington bond promo / Trumpet in
spades / Just a-sittin' and a-rockin' / Go away blues / Ellington bond
promo / One o'clock jump (into braodcast close) / ( b ) Crosstown / The
wonder of you / Cotton tail / I'm just a lucky so-and-so.
CD 2 : Time's a-wastin' / Three cent stomp
/ Long, strong and consecutive / Blue skies / Everything but you / Take
the A train (opening theme) / Dancing in the dark / Downbeat shuffle /
Ellington bon promo / Tonight I shall sleep / Esquire swank / Creole love
call / I miss your kiss / Riff staccato (into bnad promo) / Take the A
train (theme) / Medley : Passion flower - Frantic fantasy - Air conditioned
jungle - On the sunny side of the street / Metronome all out / Everything
but you / Solid old man (into braodcast close).
(CD double CD D.E.T.S. / 903 9010) Denmark
May 4 to September 26, 1945
CD 1 : (Theme) Take the A train / What am
I here for ? / Blues is the night / Ellington bond promo / The wish I
wish tonight / Someone / (Theme) Take the A train / Harlem air shaft /
Out of this world / Ellington bond promo / Midriff / Everything but you
/ Ring dem bells / Mood to be wooed / Ellington bond promo / Emancipation
celebration / (Theme) Take the A train / Suddenly it jumped / Laura /
Kissing bug / Stompy Jones / Solid old man / Carnegie blues / In a mellotone
/ Fancy dan / (Theme) Take the A train.
CD 2 : (Theme) Take the A train / Work song
(from BBB) / Ellington bond promo / The blues (from BBB) / West indian
dance (from BBB) / Ellington bond promo / Come Sunday – Light (from BBB)
/ (Theme) Take the A train - break / (Theme) Take the A train / Subtle
slough / Ellington bond promo / Blue skies / I ain’t got nothin’ but the
blues / Riff staccato / Bugle breaks / Kissing bug / Ellington bond promo
/ Suddenly it jumped / Warm valley / (Theme) Take the A train / I miss
your kiss / He’s home for a little while / Riff staccato / I ain’t got
nothin’ but the blues / I’m beginning to see the light.
(CD double CD D.E.T.S. / 903 9011) Denmark
August 25 to October 18, 1945
CD 1 : Take the A train (theme) / Mood indigo
/ D.E. bond promo / In a jam / Everything but you / Pianistically alied
(Tonk) / I don't mind / D.E. bond promo / The jeep is jumpin' / Take the
A train (into station brea) / Take the A train (return) / Black and tan
fantasy / I'm beginning to see the light / D.E. bond promo / After all
/ Don't you know I care ? / Indiana / The more I see you / D.E. bond promo
/ Let the zoomers drool (into closing) / ( b ) Suddenly it jumped / Every
hour on the hour / Cotton tail / Everything but you.
CD 2 : Take the A train (theme) / On the
Alamo / D.E. bond promo / Sugar hill penthouse / Stomp, look and listen
/ There's no you / Jumpin' punkins / Body and soul / Station break / Take
the A train (return) / A tropical triumvirate (medley) : Caravan - Flamingo
- Air conditioned jungle / Everything but you / Pitter panther patter
/ One o'clock jump / Moon mist / D.E. bond promo / Jump for joy / Take
the train (closing) / A door will open / Lily belle / West indian dance
/ Waiting for the train to come in / Blues on the double.
(CD double CD D.E.T.S. / 903 9012) Denmark
September 8 to October 1st, 1945
CD 1 : Take the A train (theme) / Carnegie blues / D.E. bond promo / I can't believe that you're in love with me / Mood to be wooed / Kissing bug /
Chealsea bridge / D.E. bond promo - (I want) Something to live for - Clementine / Take the A train / Way low - Solid old man / D.E. bond promo - Summertime - Old King Dooji /
If I loved you / Unbooted character / Just a-sittin' and a-rockin' / D.E. bond promo / Hollywod hangover / Opening / Caravan / Three cent stomp / Yesterdays.
CD 2 : Blues on the double / Riff staccato / Cotton tail / Take the Arain (theme) / Subtle slough / C-jam blues / Bond promo /
Every hour on the hour / The jeep is jumpin' / Take the A train and return / Creole love call / Frankie and Johnny / Everything but you / Emancipation celebration /
Warm valley / Take the train.
(CD double CD D.E.T.S. / 903 9013) Denmark
September 22 to October 6, 1945
CD 1 : Someone / Riff staccato / Homesick, that's all / Kissing bug / Take the A train (theme) / Take the A train (theme return) / Time's a-wastin' /
DE bond promo / Three cent stomp / There's no you / Fancy dan / Everything but you / Fickle fling / DE bond promo / Blue Serge / Take the A train (opening) / Stompy Jones /
Walkin' with my honey / Everything but you / In a mellotone / Solid old man.
CD 2 : I ain't got nothing but the blues / Blue skies / Suddenly it jumped / Take the A train / Take the A train (theme) / Main stem /
Carnegie blues / I can't believe that you're in love with me / Bond promo / What am I here for ? / Lilly Belle / Homesick, that's all / Go away blues / Frantic fantasy /
If you are but a dream / Bond promo / Jack the bear / Every hour on the hour / Cotton tail / Lament in a minor mood / Bond promo / Teardrops in the rain /
I ain't got nothing but the blues / Things ain't what they used to be (closing).
(CD double CD D.E.T.S. / 903 9014) Denmark
CD 1 : ABC Broadcast, Radio City Studio, New York - October 13, 1945
CD 2 : ABC Broadcast, Radio City Studio 6B, New York -October 20, 1945
CD 1 : Take the A train (theme) /Time's a-wastin'
/ Every hour on the hour / Bond promo / Hollywood hangover / Take the
A train (theme) / Autumn leaves / Hop skip jump / Riding on a blue note
/ I'll buy that dream / Bond promo / Riff'n drill / Tell ya what I'm gonna
do / How deep is the ocean ? / Mood indigo / Between the devil and the
deep blue sea / After all / Out ofthis world / C jam blues / Take the
A train (theme).
CD 2 : Take the A train (theme) / Ultra blue
/ Teardrops in the rain / Time on my hands / Riff staccato / Take the
A train (theme) / Ko-ko / If I loved you / Bond promo / Subtle slough
/ Honeysuckle rose / Perdido / Air conditioned jungle / Take the A train
(theme) / Take the A train (theme) / Waiting for the train to come in
/ I'd do it all over again / Bond promo / Fancy dan / Homesick, that's
all / Blues on the double / Every hour on the hour /Bond promo / Caravan
/ Riff'n drill / Things ain't what they used to be.
(CD double CD D.E.T.S. / 903 9015) Denmark
May 23, 1943 to November 3, 1945
CD 1 : Take the A train (theme) / Johnny
come lately / I can't believe that you're in love with me / I'll buy that
dream / Stomp, look and listen into station break / Take the A train (theme)
and broadcast return / The wonder of you / Ellington bond promo / Joshua
fit the battle of Jericho / The general jumped at dawn / Mood to be wood
/ Three cent stomp / Yesterdays / Ellington bond promo / Do nothin' till
you hear from me / Stompy Jones / Time's a-wastin' and broadcast closing
/ As time goes by / Way low / Around my heart / Perdido / Ogeechee river
CD 2 : Oh ! Lady be good / Nevada / Just
squeeze me (subtle slough) / Take the A train and broadcast intro / Clemetine
/ The jeep is jumpin' / Don't take your love from me / It don't mean a
thing / Ellington bond promo / If you are but a dream / Emancipation celebration
/ Caldonia / Ring dem bells and station break / Take the A train (theme)
and broadcast return / A door will open / Ellington bond promo / Court
session / That's for me / On the Atcheson, Topeka and the Santa Fe / Every
hour on the hour / Ellington bond promo / How deep is the ocean / Ellington
and the announcer "Joya's audition" / Victory drive / Autumn serenade
/ Take the A train (theme) into broadcast closing.
(CD double CD D.E.T.S. / 903 9016) Denmark
May 30, 1943 to November 17, 1945
CD 1 : Take the A train & broadcast intro / Just a-sittin' and a-rockin' / Take the A train (theme) / 9:20 special / Frustration /
Ellington bond promo / Jennie / Dancing in the dark / Crosstown / Passion flower / Bond promo / Victory drive / Get on the board little children / Take the A train (theme) /
Black, Brown and Beige : Come sunday - Light / Ellington bond promo / I ain't got nothin' but the blues / Cotton tail / Waiting for the train to come in /
Star spangled banner & broadcast closing / Subtle slough / Main stem / Bakiff.
CD 2 : Take the A train (theme) / Walking with my honey / Jack the bear / Autumn serenade / Ellington bond promo / Tell to a star /
Hey diddle diddle / I can't begin to tell you / How deep is the ocean / The wonder of you / Victory drive / As long as I live & broadcast closing / Take the A train /
Interview with Duke Ellington / The canteen bounce / Perdido / Interview with Duke Ellington / Hayfoot, strawfoot / Don't get around much anymore /
Interview with Duke Ellington / A slip of the lip / Things ain't what they used to be / Interview with Duke Ellington / Ring dem bells / Moon mist / C jam blues /
It don't mean a thing / Tonight I shall sleep / Ring dem bells / Don't get around much anymore / Things ain't what they used to be.
(CD double CD D.E.T.S. / 903 9017) Denmark
April 9, 1944 to January 20, 1945
CD 1 : Take the A train & Intro / Way low
/ C jam blues / The kissing bug / Duke Ellington bond promo / Just a-sittin'
and a-rockin' / Caldonia / Fancy more / I'm just a lucky so and so / Take
the A train (2 versions) / The last time I saw you / On the Atchinson,
Topeka and Santa Fe / Duke Ellington promom bond / If I loved you / I
can't begin to tell you / The wonder of you / Riff 'n drill and Close
/ Take the A train / Do nothin' til you hear from me / It don't mean a
thing if it ain't got that swing / Things ain't what they used to be /
Take the A train / San Fernando valley / Way low (aborted) - Suddenly
it jumped / Summertime (incomplete) / On the Alamo / Things ain't what
they used to be.
CD 2 : Caravan / Rugged Romeo / Sono / Air
conditionned jungle / Circe / Rhapsoditty / Fugeaditty / Take the A train
/ Jam-a-ditty / Magenta haze / Diminuendo in blue - Transblucency - Crescendo
in blue / Pitter panther patter / The suburbanite / Boy meets horn / Jump
for joy / Three cent stomp (incomplete) / Solid old man / How
blue the night / Ring dem bells.
(CD double CD D.E.T.S. / 903 9018) Denmark
April 12, 1944 to April 27, 1946
CD 1 : Jam-a-ditty / Blue is the night /
Passion flower / Take the A train / Mood to be wooed / Caravan / Bond
promo / Don't take away your love from me / Take the A train / The blues
/ Bond promo / Sono / One o'clock jump / I'm just a lucky so an so / Riff
staccato / Just a-sitttin' and a-rockin' / Rockabye river (Hop, skip,
jump) / Jumping frog jump / Do nothin' till you hear from me / Johnny
come lately / Poinciana / On the alamo / Three cent stomp / I didn't know
about you.
CD 2 : Take the A train / Stompy Jones / Moon mist / Bond promo / Just a-sitttin' and a-rockin' / I can't believe that you're in love with me /
Sophisticated lady / Bond promo / Jenny / I'm just a lucky so and so / Black, Brown and Beige : Come Sunday - Light / Bond promo / We'll be together again / Hollywood hangover /
Subtle slough / Bond promo / Perdido / Time alone will tell / San Fernando valley / Stomp, look and listen / Concerto for Cootie / Long ago and far away / Someone /
Suddenly it jumped / Things ain't what they used to be.
(CD double CD D.E.T.S. / 903 9019) Denmark
September 1st, 1943 to May 25, 1946
CD 1 : Take the A train / Just a-sittin' and a-rockin' / Duke Ellington bond promo / 9:20 special / I can't get started / Flamingo / Fancy dan /
Diminuendo in blue / Tranblucency / Crescendo in blue / Duke Ellington bond promo / Someone / Three cent stomp / Duke Ellington bond promo / I'm just a lucky so and so /
Intro / Barzallai lew / The C jam blues / Do nothin' till you hear from me / Subtle slough / Take the A train.
CD 2 : In a mellow tone / I'm just a lucky so and so / Announcement / Sono / Rugged Romeo / Circe / Air conditioned jungle /
Full moon and empty arms / Announcement / Duke Ellington bond promo / Laughin' on the outside / Take the A train / Take the A train / Just a-sittin' and a-rockin' / Crosstown /
Duke Ellington bond promo / Summertime / Teardrops in the rain / Frankie and Johnny / Duke Ellington bond promo / Hop, skip and jump / Take the A train / Take it from here /
Later tonight / Wait for me Mary / Go away blues / Tonighth I shall sleep / Don't get around much anymore.
(CD double CD D.E.T.S. / 903 9020) Denmark
September 7, 1943 to June 8, 1946
CD 1 : Take the A train / A flower is a lovesome
thing / Duke Ellington bond promo / Main stem / A ghost of a chance /
Interveiw with Duke Ellington / In a jam / I'm just a lucky so and so
/ Stomp, look and listen / come rain or come shine / Duke Ellington bond
promo / Thins ain't what they used to be / Summertime / Jack the bear
/ Sentimental lady / In a melotone / Rockin' in rhythm.
CD 2 : Take the A train / Mood to be wooed
/ Duke Ellington bond promo / Johnny come lately / They say it's wonderful
/ Strange love / Honeysuckle rose / Don't take your love from me / Duke
Ellington bond promo / Blue on the double / Take the A train / Take the
A train / Come Sunday / Light / Duke Ellington bond promo / Lover man
/ Riff staccato / Mood indigo / Duke Ellington bond promo / Riff'n'drill
/ Johnny come lately / Emancipation celebration / Go away blues / Don't
get around much anymore / Things ain't what they used to be.
(CD double CD D.E.T.S. / 903 9021) Denmark
May 2, 1942 to July 27, 1946
CD 1 : Take the A train (begin) / Caravan
/ Sono / Duke Ellington bond promo / Laughin' on the outside / Take the
A train (closing) / Take the A train (return) / The blues / Teardrops
in the rain / I'm just a lucky so and so / Duke Ellinggton bond promo
/ Metronome all out / One o'clock jump / Things ain't what they used to
be / Koko / Take the A train (closing).
CD 2 : Take the A train (begin) / Jump fot
joy / A gathering in a clearing / Duke Ellington bond promo / Come rain
or come shine / Suddenly it jumped / Take the A train / Medley : Black
and tan fantasy - In a sentimental mood / Mood indigo - I'm beginning
to see the light - Sophisticated lady - Caravan - Solitude - I let a song
go out of my heart - Don't get around much anymore / Duke Ellington bond
promo / Passion flower / Just you, just me / You don't love me no more
/ Unbooted character / Duke Ellington bond promo / Cotton tail / Take
the A train / Swing shifters swing / Altitude (Main stem).
(CD double CD D.E.T.S. / 903 9022) Denmark
July 15, 1942 to August 17, 1946
CD 1 : Take the A train / The eight veil / Duke Ellington bond promo / Lover man / Blue is the night / Just squeeze me / Duke Ellington bond promo /
Blues cluster : Diminuendo in blue - Transblucency - Crescendo in blue / Duke Ellington bond promo / Things ain't what they used to be (into station break) / Take the A train /
A flower is a lovesome thing / Duke Ellington bond promo / Hollywood hangover/ I got it bad and that ain't good / The jeep is jumpin' / Take the A train / The strollers /
Rocks in my bed / John Hardy's wife.
CD 2 : Take the A train / 9:20 special / Day dream / Metronome all out / Duke Ellington bond promo / The tonal group : Rhapsoditty - Fugaditty /
Jam-a-ditty / Duke Ellington bond promo / Take the A train / Take the A train / Just squeeze me / Duke Ellington bond promo / One o'clock jump / Cynthia's in love /
Take the A train / (Baby, please stop and think about it / And Russia is her name / Don't get around much anymore (into close).
(CD double CD D.E.T.S. / 903 9023) Denmark
August 26, 1943 to October 5, 1946
CD 1 : Take the A train & Broadcast intro
/ Mood indigo / Don't get around much anymore / Sophisticated lady / Duke
Ellington bond promo / Solitude / Stomp, look and listen / A gathering
in a clearing / Cynthia's in love / Duke Ellington bond promo / C jam
blues / Things ain't what they used to be / Take the A train & Broadcast
return / Rugged Romeo / Magenta haze / Duke Ellington bond promo / Jack
the bear / The suburbanite / You don't love me anymore / Duke Ellington
bond promo / Solid old man / Hollywood hangover into Broadcast closing
/ What am I here for ? / Baby, please stop think about me / Rocks in my
bed / Clementine.
CD 2 : Take the A train & Broadcast intro
/ My honey's loving arms / Warm valley / Duke Ellington bond promo / Jumpin'
punkins / Come rain or come shine / Swamp fire / Pretty woman / Duke Ellington
bond promo / Moon mist / Take the A train into Station break / Take the
A train intro / Memphis blues / Beale street blues / St. Louis blues /
Duke Ellington bond promo / Three cent stomp / Just squeeze me / Duke
Ellington bond promo / Blues on the double / Things ain't what they used
to be / Take the A train & Broadcast intro / Can't help loving that man
of mine / Duke Ellington bond promo / Just you, just me / Just squeeze
me / Things ain't what they used to be.
(CD double CD D.E.T.S. / 903 9024) Denmark
April 1st, 1944 to July 1st, 1953
CD 1 : Take the A train / Harlem air shaft / Creole love call / C jam blues / Is it a sin / Just a-settin' and a rockin' / Moonlight fiesta /
The hawk talks / Satin doll / Take the A train / Blue jean beguine / Boo Dah / Cocktails for two / Nothin' nothin' baby / Jump for joy / Perdido / Blue moon /
Satin doll / Take the A train / Concerto for Cootie / Johnny come lately / My heart tells me / Blue skies / Things ain't what they used to be.
CD 2 : Take te A train / Caravan / I let a song go out of my heart / Bond promo / The hawk talks / Come on home / Flamingo / Bond promo /
Jump for joy / Satin doll / Take the A train / Take the A train / The tatooed bride / Bond promo / Nothin' nothin' baby / Rock skippin' at the Blue Note / Just squeeze me /
Ting-a-ling / Satin doll.
(CD double CD D.E.T.S. / 903 9025) Denmark
June 6, 1943 to September 23, 1953 (see More for details)
CD 1 : Take the A train / Boo-Dah / What
more can I say / Frustration / Basin Street blues / Saving bonds promo
/ Duet / Ballin' the blues / satin doll / Moon mist / You'll never know
/ Lady be good / Tonight I shall sleep / nevada / Subtle slough / I don't
know what kind of blues I've got / Don't get around much anymore / Moon
CD 2 : At's in there / Design for jivin' / Jump for joy / Solid old man / Sentimental lady / Take the A train / Now I know / Perdido /
Do nothin' til you hear from me / Suddenly it jumped / Indiana / How blue the night / Stomp, look and listen / Jumpin' frog jump / Perdido /
Do nothin' till you hear from me / Blue skies.